
 All Images Copyright Steve Cannistra
(Best viewed at 1280 x 1024 pixel screen resolution)

Digitized Sky Survey Images

The Digitized Sky Survey (DSS) is a repository of digitized data from photographic plates obtained with the Oschin Schmidt Telescope on Palomar Mountain and the UK Schmidt Telescope.   The grayscale images (luminance, red, blue, and IR) are available on-line through the Space Telescope Science Institute.  For the images below, I used the Palomar Observatory Sky Survey 2 (POSS2) database (red and blue filtered images) and processed them with my previously described Bicolor Technique (using red instead of Ha, and blue instead of OIII).  The raw data are provided courtesy of the DSS and POSS2, with acknowledgements found here.  I will add more processed images to this page when time permits.

Helix Nebula
Helix Nebula, Bicolor Technique

NGC 896
NGC 896, Bicolor Technique

IC 2118
IC2118, Bicolor Technique

Horsehead, Bicolor Technique

Pacman Nebula
NGC 281, Bicolor Technique

Orion Panorama
Orion Panorama, POSS2 composite

Van den Bergh 0015, Bicolor Technique

IC 4592, Bicolor Technique

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Bryce and Zion Canyons

Grand Canyon and Havasu Canyon

Glacier National Park
