Autumn Star Trails in New England
On November 12-13, 2004, the New England region experienced its first
winter snowstorm of the season. With only 4-6" of snow, it was
not the largest storm that we've seen. But the amount of snow was
a surprise, it's still Autumn, there are still leaves on the trees, and
are many leaves on the ground still in need of clean-up (but now
covered with snow). This is a star trail centered on Polaris,
taken in my front yard through an opening in the trees. The
orange glow, which is fitting for Autumn, is courtesy of a bright
streetlight off to the right, out of the field of view. Please click here
to see a rollover of this wintery scene. Please
click here
for a higher resolution view.
Photographic Details:
Date: November 13, 2004.
Camera and Lens: Canon 10D on a fixed tripod. Canon EF
17-40mm L series lens.
Filter: None.
Exposures: 16 x 10', ISO 100, f5.6, 17mm focal length.
Total exposure
time 160 minutes.
Conditions: Temperature 24 degrees F; above average
transparency; average seeing; brisk winds (check out the rollover
to see changing position of tree branches).
Post-processing: Exposures were taken as high quality jpg
files (although I typically use
file mode for Canon 10D
astroimages through the Tak Sky90).
The subframes
were stacked as layers in Photoshop, using "Lighten" mode to permit the
full length of the star trail to show through, while leaving the
rest of the scene unchanged. The clone tool was used to remove
blinking lights from occasional airplanes. The pink glow on the
bottom right is due to light pollution from Boston.
note: Graphics on this website may not be reproduced without
author permission.
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