NGC 281  (SH2-184, Pacman Nebula) and associated star cluster IC 1590

Pacman Nebula
All Images Copyright Steve Cannistra

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RA (J2000): 00h 52m 59s
Dec (J2000): +56 degrees 37' 19"
Position Angle: 0 degrees

This image represents a total exposure of 13 hours through SII, Ha, and OIII narrowband filters, processed using the Hubble Palette (SII, red channel; Ha, green channel; OIII, blue channel).  NGC 281 is a star-forming region that is rich in HII emission due to excitation by UV light emitted by the young star cluster IC 1590.  There are prominent Bok Globules in the central portion of this image, which represent cooler regions of hydrogen gas that are incubating a central protostar(s), not yet apparent in visible light.  More information about this region can be found at Rob Gendler's website.

Photographic Details:
Dates:  September 3, 4, and 5, 2024.
Scope:  Takahashi FSQ106 at f5 on the Takahashi NJP Mount.
Autoguider:  ASI178 autoguider with SvBony 30mm guidescope, focal length 120mm.
Camera:  ZWO ASI294MM at -10C, with 7 position ZWO filter wheel.  Pixel size is 2.3 microns (Bin 1x1), yielding an image scale with the FSQ (530mm focal length) of 0.90 "/pixel (well matched for my seeing of  3 arcseconds).  Camera gain set to 50 (e-gain 2.13 electrons/ADU), offset 25. Read noise at this gain level was 2.18 electrons rms.
Baader Ha, OIII, and SII filters; 2 inch.
Image acquisition software:  MaximDL for camera control and autoguiding; CCD Commander for automation.
Exposures:  Total exposure 13 hours (Ha: 5 hours, 300 second subs; OIII: 4 hours, 300 second subs; SII: 4 hours, 300 second subs).
Processing:  Calibration, integration, deconvolution (BlurXTerminator), noise reduction (NoiseXTerminator), and Narrowband Normalization (Bill Blanshan and Mike Cranfield Pixinsight process) in Pixinsight; subsequent processing in Photoshop.

Please note:  Graphics on this website may not be reproduced without author permission.

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