NGC 1499 (California Nebula) Widefield with Dust
FOV: 9.5 x 6.3 degrees
RA (J2000): 03h 53m 195s
Dec (J2000): +34 degrees 18' 45"
Position Angle: 334 degrees
This is a 5 hour exposure of NGC 1499, a large hydrogen emission
nebula in Perseus, taken through the Samyang 135mm f2.0 lens (stopped
down to f3.1 using step down rings) and a full-spectrum modified Canon
T7i DSLR. NGC 1499 is one of a few nebulae that emit
strongly in both H alpha (red) and H beta (blue), with little OIII
emission, skewing the usual red color typical of emission nebulae
towards the blue. The star responsible for exciting hydrogen
emission from the nebula is thought to be Xi Persei, a "runaway star"
that is described on Rob
Gendler's website.
Photographic Details:
Dates: October 27 and 29, 2022.
Scope: Samyang 135mm f2.0 prime lens on the
Skywatcher Star Adventurer portable tracker.
Autoguider: None.
Camera: Self-modified Canon T7i (full spectrum).
Filters: Astronomik
CLS-CCD clip on EOS filter.
Exposures: 60 second subs for a
total of 5 hours data after discarding poorly tracked subs (due to
periodic error).
PixInsight for Preprocessing (WBPP script)
. Photoshop for Postprocessing.
note: Graphics on this website may not be reproduced without
author permission.
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