NGC 1499 (California Nebula)

NGC 1499
All Images Copyright Steve Cannistra

Please click here for a 45% size image.
Please click here for a 65% size image.

Magnitude:  ?
Size: 1 x 4 degrees
2.6 x 3.9 degrees
Distance: 1140 light years
RA (Jnow): 4h 01m 35s
Dec (Jnow): +36 degrees 25' 52"
Position Angle: minus 2 degrees

This is a 4 hour Ha exposure of NGC 1499, a large hydrogen emission nebula in Perseus.  NGC 1499 is one of a few nebulae that emit strongly in both H alpha (red) and H beta (blue), with little OIII emission, skewing the usual red color typical of emission nebulae towards the blue.  The star responsible for exciting hydrogen emission from the nebula is thought to be Xi Persei, a "runaway star" that is described on Rob Gendler's website.  Feel free to check out the larger size images above, as well as my color image of this object. 

Photographic Details:

Dates:  September 16 and 20, 2007: Ha.
Scope:  Takahashi FSQ106 at f5 on the Takahashi NJP Mount.
Autoguider:  SBIG ST-402 with e-finder.
Camera:  STL11K -20C.

Baader 7nm Ha filter (50mm unmounted).
Exposures:  Ha- 12 x 20'.  Total exposure 4 hours.
Conditions:  Temperature was generally cool 55-60 degrees F average.
Post-processing:  Calibrated, aligned, and Sigma Clip combined in Maxim, followed by DDP in ImagesPlus (IP).  Further processing in Photoshop CS (16 bit format).

Please note:  Graphics on this website may not be reproduced without author permission.

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