Cederblad 214 in SHO (Hubble Palette)

CED 214
All Images Copyright Steve Cannistra

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RA (J2000): 00h 03m 35s
Dec (J2000): +67 degrees 09' 42"
Position Angle: 0 degrees

This is a narrowband image comprised of data from SII (Red channel), Ha (Green channel), and OIII (Blue channel) filters, referred to as the "Hubble Palette".  Cederblad 214 (Ced214), also known as Sharpless 171 (SH2-171), is a large emission nebula in the constellation Cepheus.  Within Ced214 there are many regions of "elephant trunk" structures created as a result of gas being blown away by UV radiation from one of the brightest UV sources in the nebula, the star BD+66 1673 (J2000 coordinates for BD+66 1673 are RA 00 01 47; Dec +67 30 25), which is contained within a cluster of about 40 hot, short-lived OB stars known as the Berkeley 59 complex (Be59) located just to the right and above center in this field. As can be appreciated by the "donut hole" in the central part of this complex (which shines in higher energy blue light from OIII emission), gas in this star-forming region is being cleared out by the young, newly formed stars of the Berkeley 59 complex, which emit strong UV radiation, reminiscent of similar nebulae such as IC1396 and the Rosette.  More information about this interesting region may be found on Rob Gendler's webpage, and on the APOD website.   Please be sure to check out the higher resolution views of this region in the links above, as well as my previous narrowband image of a wider field that includes NGC7822.

Photographic Details:
Dates:  September 19 and 20, 2023.
Scope:  Takahashi FSQ106 at f5 on the Takahashi NJP Mount.
Autoguider:  ASI178 autoguider with SvBony 30mm guidescope, focal length 120mm.
Camera:  ZWO ASI294MM at -10C, with 7 position ZWO filter wheel.  Pixel size is 2.3 microns (Bin 1x1), yielding an image scale with the FSQ (530mm focal length) of 0.90 "/pixel (well matched for my seeing of  3 arcseconds).  Camera gain set to 50 (e-gain 2.13 electrons/ADU), offset 25. Read noise at this gain level was 2.18 electrons rms.
Baader Ha, OIII, and SII filters; 2 inch.
Image acquisition software:  MaximDL for camera control and autoguiding; CCD Commander for automation.
Exposures:  Total exposure 10 hours (Ha: 4 hours, 300 second subs; OIII: 3 hours, 300 second subs; SII: 3 hours, 300 second subs).
Processing:  Calibration, integration, deconvolution (BlurXTerminator), noise reduction (NoiseXTerminator), and Narrowband Normalization (Bill Blanshan and Mike Cranfield Pixinsight process) in Pixinsight; subsequent processing in Photoshop.

Please note:  Graphics on this website may not be reproduced without author permission.

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